A devastating incident occurred in Newark, New Jersey, on Tuesday evening when an 18-month-old girl was fatally mauled by a pit bull while under the care of a teenage babysitter. The child wandered away from her caregiver and was attacked by one of the family’s four dogs.
Police reported that the girl was transported to University Hospital with critical injuries. Unfortunately, she was pronounced dead around 7 p.m. as confirmed by the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office.
The four dogs from the home have been taken into quarantine by Newark Animal Control. Authorities are still investigating whether the pit bull was the sole attacker or if any of the other dogs were involved.
Chief Assistant Prosecutor Thomas Fennelly stated, “The investigation is continuing, and the official cause and manner of death will be determined by an autopsy.”
The girl’s family has asked for privacy while they cope with this tragic loss. Neighbors reported a significant police presence and expressed their concern over the unfolding situation.
Statistics from the American Animal Hospital Association show that pit bulls are involved in more dog bites than any other breed, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identifies them as responsible for a disproportionate number of fatal dog attacks.